Our Route

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I have no idea what is happening with our blog, but the post I did yesterday isn't on it so I will quickly recap it. We left El Parque, Mexico at 6:30 a.m. and arrived at customs in Laredo about 6:45 p.m. after a couple of rest stops and a stop to eat the lunch we had brought with us. We travelled about 1170 km. Most of the day was uneventful until we arrived at U.S. Customs. We were in line about 45 minutes and then the agent spent about 5 minutes looking through our well packed trunk and the metalic pictures in the back seat as well as asking questions. Finally we got into Laredo, found a Days Inn Hotel we had been told about and had a good night's sleep.

Today we chose to have a leisurely start and left Laredo at 8.55 a.m. We drove to San Marcos and visited the outlet malls. Back on the road we had heavy traffic most of the way to Denison, Texas which is on the border of Oklahoma (a distance if about 765 km. today). Some of the trip was very slow due to traffic and we are thinking that Sunday is not a good day to travel through Texas. On the other hand there were many road construction areas where no one was working and thus no one stopping traffic because it was a Sunday. Denison is the destination we were aiming for we just arrived a little later than expected. The wild flowers by the roadside were in full bloom. I have attached a picture we took in southern Texas. The other pictures we took in Dallas. This time we took a different route through Dallas so the views were quite different. One is the downtown buildings, the other is a multilevel highway interchange.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for keeping us up to date! The pictures are beautiful! I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to talk to you on Friday, I called, but I guess you had already disconnected your phone. Hope the rest of your drive is good, and you don't get stuck in much traffic! See you soon!!!!! LOTS of love Celine :-)